The walkthrough of this guy is pretty simple, though I would have wanted to do a lot more, it gave me the motivation to jump into a lot of art styles that I regularly wouldn't have gone for. My general approach was to use twine and have it be somewhat of a display for my work, as I had some poster designs that I really liked from earlier in the class. The interactivity feels pretty straightforward, as in as long as you hover your mouse over any words that are bold, or that highlight when your mouse is over them, you can give em a click and they should work (clicking on true love was a fun little easter egg to add :). Unfortunately I was down for most of the week with whatever seasonal cold has been going around (thank my roomate for that one :/) so this really isnt where I want it to be in a lot of places, but I learned alot about HTML and CSS in general just in trying to tweak things and get them to work. Getting Twine to work with images was a nice challenge, and I really enjoyed the creative workflow of things, as I usually spend a good amount of time coding as is, which is why I tended to shy away from p5

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